Health Care Analytics

Health insurance is the cornerstone of every employee benefits package. When your employees have one that satisfies their needs, they're more likely to stay healthy and productive. And, in the long run, that's good for the bottom line.

At Frost, we understand that every business is different, and we have the know-how to help you choose the plan that makes the most sense for your company.

How We Work

We’ll look at everything from traditional plan design to more innovative consumer-driven health care strategies. Our comprehensive approach includes:

  • Evaluation of your company’s demographics
  • Data on how different plans have performed for other businesses
  • Assistance with underwriting
  • Insights into new trends in health care and what other companies are doing
  • On-staff, fully licensed actuaries
Underwriting and Financial Analysis

Our team of employee benefits specialists has years of underwriting and claims analytic experience. We’ll evaluate your company’s demographics and claims history and help you select those partners who will offer the best rate on health care for your business.

Plan Design and Development

We provide plan performance data and partner with you to evaluate and compare health care plan options and features. Using defined contribution strategies, we then determine the most beneficial way for you to spend your health care budget wisely.

What We Provide You

Actuarial Consulting

With our risk forecasts, you can better plan your long-term financial strategy. Our process includes annual actuarial valuations, financial modeling, guidance and review for plan funding and accounting policies, and actuarial and consulting services for all types of health and welfare plans. Our actuaries can also help with retirement and pension analysis.

Cost-containment Strategies

We work with you to identify ways to reduce plan costs—from evaluating how often employees use features to proactively planning for future rate changes. We take a careful look at employee makeup, claim history and industry trends to continually provide a competitive and cost-effective plan.

Consumer-Driven Health Care Strategies

We’ll evaluate your business needs to develop a unique strategy that lowers your company’s costs, while offering your employees the flexibility to choose how they use their plan.


Our understanding of new health care trends can help keep your benefits competitive. We compare local, regional and national benefit strategies, including plan designs, contribution strategies, funding and other relevant information.


We can help you find the best captive program, so your business can benefit from lower costs, greater control of premium dollars and improved risk management. Our advisors have years of experience and work with proven captives partners. To learn more, talk to a Frost Employee Benefits Advisor, or visit Frost Property and Casualty.

Health Care Data and Reporting

As a Frost customer, your business will have access to customized health care analysis tools and resources. This includes the health plan management and benchmarking reports you need to make informed decisions, which can lead to bottom-line savings. Learn more about Frost Health Care Data and Reporting.

Need help choosing a plan for your business? Call (866) 227-2099 or (866) 227-2099. or Or request a call or email.